For most Dive Instructors and Divermasters the Rescue Diver course is remembered as the most enjoyable of all dive courses. This course, along with Emergency First Response, gives divers the confidence to prevent and handle dive related emergencies.
The highly regarded Rescue Diver course provides the essential physical and mental preparation to be prepared to prevent, anticipate and, if necessary, handle any diving accident. Since the course focuses on rescue skills, it is a demanding course, but does not require special preparation.
The course consists of three main parts: The development of theoretical knowledge, training sessions and rescue scenarios in a natural environment that simulate diving incidents.
During this course, you will learn the principles and techniques you will need to avoid, anticipate and manage diving emergencies, recognition of diver stress or equipment problems. You will learn how to assess the situation and react correctly by administering first aid and applying rescue and first aid procedures on conscious or unconscious victims, both on the surface and underwater.
Probably the most fun and intense course for experienced divers. This course extends the M.F.A. course. You will acquire additional physical and mental skills in diving that are used to prevent and deal with dangerous situations at sea.
Duration: 3 half days
Days of operation: Every day
Minimum age: 15 years old and Advance Open water qualification.